Join us for our last Virtual ParentCamp of 2020 on Wednesday December 2nd at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT. We will return on January 13, 2021. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with family and stay safe and healthy!
Registration is open now for December 2nd, just visit our Events page: www.parentcamp.org/events.
BUT we need you to do one thing before you join us, upgrade your ZOOM! Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update on your computer. You may ask why??? With the new version, you will be able to change rooms on your own! Even though Julie will miss seeing you all in the main room, you can now change rooms by yourself, but you need the latest version of Zoom in order to do it. I will still be in the main room if you need assistance, it is ok.
Here we go!

Room 1 [Strengthen] – Stop Guiding Students Away from High Demand Careers!
Facilitator: Armando Garza, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, YouScience (@You_Science)
You all will truly enjoy the conversation with Armando and this topic is near and dear to Julie’s heart. She have always been a proponent of CTE careers ever since she used to work at two community and technical colleges. There are so many post-secondary options out there, it is incredible and they are great paying jobs! And we are thrilled that YouScience is now a strategic partner with ParentCamp so we will be able to let our ParentCamp community explore their skills and career interests using the YouScience platform.
If you get a chance, also ask Armando about his background, he has a pretty incredible life story of how he got to where he is with YouScience. It just goes to show that many skills are transferable from career to career.

Facilitator: Candace Crear, Author of From Fatherless to Fearless

Candice Crear, the founder of the From Fatherless to Fearless movement. From being fatherless at the age of 2, to being molested, to hitting the brick wall of life, she has fought the courageous fight of ‘taking her life back.’ It’s time that you take back yours. Not only will you gain a better understanding of the life challenges fatherless daughters face, you’ll also walk away with tools to overcome them.

Room 3 [Strengthen] – You can Huff, You can Puff, but THIS House will not Fall!
Facilitator: Dr. Darwin Spiller (@plctrailblazer), Executive Director of Title IX Compliance and Investigations, Richardson Independent School District (@RichardsonISD)
If that title is any indication of the power of this session, we don’t know what is! Wow!

Room 4 [Strengthen] – Let’s Talk About It: Supporting families during this troubled time through Strengthening Families
Facilitator: Theresa Cruz, Hispanic Family Engagement Coordinator, Learning Grove
Strengthening Families™ is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five protective factors: • Parental resilience • Social connections • Knowledge of parenting and child development • Concrete support in times of need • Social and emotional competence of children.

Room 5 [Strengthen] – Is your Child Smiling? Vinnie’s Smile Challenge might change things. Strategies to help us stay focused on the positive.
Facilitator: Pat Morgan (@pat081868) Teacher, Mann Elementary (@MannElementary), Boone County Schools (@Boone_County)
Facilitator: Vinnie Ferrara, 4th Grade Student, Mann Elementary (@MannElementary), Boone County Schools (@Boone_County)
Do we have a treat for you! Vinnie is a 4th grade student who was struggling learning at home with remote learning just like many other students. Check out the story behind Vinnie’s Challenge and then check out the rest of Vinnie’s videos for each week: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRo7yAVsBiDq04-nw-5r_3A
Pat Morgan and Vinnie will be talking about strategies to help us stay focused on the positive. Make sure you check back each week for Vinnie’s newest video! Pst – Congratulate Pat while you are in the room, she was just named a Rotary Club of Florence Teacher of the Year!
Register now at www.parentcamp.org/events and make sure you invite a friend!
#ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #FSCI #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #FSCE #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagement #CTE #HighDemandCareers #Careers #ArmandoGarza #YouScience #FatherlesstoFearless #CandaceCrear #DarwinSpiller #StrengtheningFamilies #ProtectiveFactors #TheresaCruz #LearningGrove #VinniesChallenge #BooneNation #Positivity #Smile #PatMorgan #MannElementary